
Merrimack Letters

Thank you

I want to thank Gov. Chris Sununu and Executive Councilors Ted Gatsas, Russell Prescott and Michael Cryans for their recent vote to continue Bethany Christian Services’ contract with the state of New Hampshire. Bethany Christian Services provides support for foster children in New ...

More horror stories

So the horror stories about national health insurance have started. Just remember, people in other countries that have it love what they have. You do not see politicians in their countries running on a platform to install a United States health system in their country. It might be easier to ...

Elizabeth Warren has a plan to fix that

We all know that the opioid epidemic is an ongoing and heart-breaking problem. President Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers estimated that this crisis cost the nation more than $500 billion in 2015 alone with New Hampshire being disproportionately affected. Every day we lose people to ...

Our Thanks To

On Wednesday, April 17, Merrimack High School held their 3rd annual Vietnam Veterans’ Panel Discussion. Seven veterans were in attendance to share their experiences with all US History and American Experience classes. In order to show our appreciation to the veterans for their service to our ...

Southern New Hampshire’s PFAS

Southern New Hampshire’s PFAS water contamination situation is getting attention from the Presidential candidates and the national news. We’ve already had several candidates visit Merrimack to hold PFAS discussions with the communities. As more and more attention comes to southern New ...

Want to become a millionaire?

Want to become a millionaire? Just invent a fire alarm that will shut off when you yell, “Hey, I’m just cooking”. Another way would be to get Hannity (Fox News) and Rachel Maddow (MSNBC) to appear in a debate. It would set records for listeners. Advertisers would pay dearly for a spot ...