
Thank you to blood donors, volunteers and food donors

To the Editor:

The Board of Directors of the John O’Leary Adult Community Center, Inc. of Merrimack wishes to thank everyone who participated in our first Red Cross blood drive, which was held at the center on Tuesday, Aug. 1. Besides serving the State of New Hampshire with this most vital and priceless commodity – human blood – we were able to showcase our newly-remodeled center to those who may not have previously had to the opportunity to see it for themselves. We thank the donors who registered online, as well as those who chose to walk-in and participate, and the volunteers from the JOACC board and the Merrimack Senior Citizens’ Club, who helped out with everything.

We are especially grateful to all first-time donors, and we hope to see you and others who have never donated before at our next drive. Home-baked goodies, fresh vegetables and wraps awaited donors after offering their gifts of life; donated pizza from Sal’s Pizza, of Merrimack, and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee and Munchkins, from the Motta family Dunkin’ Donuts group of Merrimack, was enjoyed by all.

Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017, for our next scheduled blood drive, which will again be held at the center from 2-7 p.m. Donors are encouraged to register online at www.redcrossblood.org as that date approaches.

For information about renting the center for an upcoming event that you, your family, business or organization may be planning, contact Steve Dembow, center coordinator at 429-0902 or at steven.m.dembow@comcast.net.

– Submitted by Steve Dembow