
Center thankful for Merrimack seniors on service day

To the Editor:

The Board of Directors of the John O’Leary Adult Community Center, Inc., of Merrimack wishes to thank the Senior Class of Merrimack High School for their participation in this year’s Senior Service Day.

On Tuesday, May 16, two students from the class visited the center and performed various clean-up tasks, such as washing windows and mirrors and tidying up the outside. Alexander Aiello and Sarah Doyon, along with their MHS mentors, Michelle Hartmann and Ellie Colvin, all pitched in, scurrying about on ladders and wielding brooms to help make the center sparkle. This effort by the senior class follows a tradition of helping the community in a number of other settings throughout Merrimack besides the center, and which has continued for a number of years. Afterwards, the students were treated to a barbeque at the American Legion.

Thanks also to teacher and advisor Trevor Knight and the Merrimack High School administration for organizing and supervising this annual activity, which strengthens the bond between the younger and older citizens of our town.

The John O’Leary Adult Center, Inc., located at 4 Church St., is the town’s hub of activities for its senior citizens. It is home to the Merrimack Senior Citizen’s Club, is a site for St. Joseph’s Community Services Meals on Wheels program, host to weekly meetings of the Merrimack Rotary Club, the winter Merrimack Farmers Market, the Bedford-Merrimack Honesty Group, a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and serves as a rehearsal spot for the Merrimack Community Chorus. The center is also available to rent for private parties, functions and meetings by contacting me at 429-0902.

Steven M. Dembow

John O’Leary Adult Community Center coordinator