
New Hampshire Heroes Inc. seeks volunteers

Americans who would be willing to offer a few hours of their time to do what they can for our returning wounded heroes. The only qualification is a desire to help those who have given so much for our country. Volunteer some of your time with the New Hampshire Wounded Heroes, Inc. as we show our veterans that we haven’t forgotten them.

The following is background information about New Hampshire Heroes, Inc.

In May of 2015, a few Amherst citizens gathered to discuss the seemingly forgotten post 9/11 military veterans who have returned from combat areas, some with injuries that required lifetime assistance. We decided to do what we could to show our support.

A mission statement was drawn up which states: “It is the mission of NHWH to raise funds for the benefit of nonprofit organizations that have proven to be cost efficient and whose services best meet the needs of our wounded heroes.”

With this goal in mind, we searched for the most cost efficient organization that best served our wounded heroes and chose the Semper-Fi fund. Their operating costs were only 6 percent, leaving 94 percent for programs earmarked for providing immediate financial assistance and lifetime support for post 9/11 wounded, critically ill and injured members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.

Teri Poulton, BP America’s Director for Strategic Relationships (Veteran Outreach) and a 20-year veteran of the Air Force, recently stated, “Companies, like individuals, send a message with their words and with their actions, a message about what a company values.”

Teri went on to say, “Semper Fi’s incredible 6 percent overhead should give you confidence that your corporate dollars are going directly towards the social impact your company seeks.”

We held our first golf tournament on the 14th anniversary of 9/11 and it was so well received by veterans and non-veterans that we maxed out on the number of players the golf course could accomodate. Because of the overwhelming response, we decided to incorporate, thus appealing to individuals and corporations who donate to nonprofit organizations. We incorporated and received our 501-C3 status.

During the past two years, New Hamsphire Wounded Heroes Inc. has raised over $20,000 for the benefit of our wounded veterans. Just recently NHWH was able to assist a local New Hampshire veteran suffering with PTSD in acquiring a service dog.

This year is the 16th anniversary of 9/11, and on Sept. 11, 2017 we are conducting our third annual golf classic to raise funds for New Hampshire Wounded Heroes Inc. We are seeking help from volunteers and hope that you will consider taking an active part. Volunteer input and active participation will make a difference in the lives of those who have sacrificed so much for the freedoms we enjoy.

Although this appeal is focused on our upcoming annual golf tournament, there are many other areas beside golf that may interest you. Offer whatever time you can to NHWH and promote a program of your choice. Knowing that you did what you could, to support our wounded veterans, is gratifying and appreciated.

In order to provide services to our veterans, we rely on the generosity of individuals and businesses for support. Without the assistance of community-minded individuals and companies, we would not be able to serve those who have served our country.

To date, New Hampshire Wounded Heroes’ operating expenses have been assumed by the Trustees and volunteers.

For additional information, please call 801-5607 or email NHWHINC@gmail.com.


Dick Lefebvre

President, NHWH Inc.