
Operation Santa thank you

The Lioness of Merrimack would like to thank everyone who participated in our Operation Santa Project. To those of you who picked up a card at one of our locations and purchased one or more gifts, you have helped to make Xmas a little brighter for someone less fortunate. We would like to thank all the locations who allowed us to have a tree: Merrimack Post Office, Merrimack Public Library, Total Chiropractic, Hot Rize, Frank’s Place, Merrimack Vision Care, Fit Lab – Merrimack and Fit Lab – Nashua. To the Rotary of Merrimack who shopped and purchased gifts, to the Merrimack Fire Department, the Merrimack Lions Club and the Merrimack Flower Shop for your monetary donations which was a huge help to us to purchase gift cards for the needy. We also had a few individuals who weren’t able to shop but sent us checks!

All the monies raised by our various projects throughout the year go right back to the community of Merrimack. If you are interested in learning more about our club, call President Marsha at 440-5399.

Lioness of Merrimack