
Ayotte is NH’s voice in Washington

To the Editor:

I find it ironic that Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who has publicly announced that she will meet with the president’s nominee for the Supreme Court, is being labeled an "obstructionist."

Our New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte has supported funding of the mental health crisis unit at the New Hampshire Hospital and is a strong supporter of veterans and citizens rights, including the right to bear arms. Some Democratic candidates fall lockstep with the Washington party bosses and their partisan stunts. Sen. Ayotte, I believe, by indicating that she would be glad to talk to Merrick Garland, the president’s nominee for the Supreme Court, shows that we have elected an intelligent, principled leader who epitomizes the New Hampshire Way.

Individual freedoms must be protected, as summarized in our state motto, "Live Free or Die." She is our voice in Washington, D.C., and deserves a second term.

Richard Maloon