“I am running for school board because I believe that all children deserve a quality education. As a proud resident of Brookline, I am impressed by the fact that Hollis and Brookline are among the top five schools in New Hampshire. I want to keep them that way by supporting our schools and ...
I am urging you to take the challenge today to become involved in protecting the rights and welfare of children in our state who are victims of abuse and or neglect.
Many blame DCYF and our Legislature for the appalling number of these cases on court dockets today. Recently, it has been in the ...
Americans who would be willing to offer a few hours of their time to do what they can for our returning wounded heroes. The only qualification is a desire to help those who have given so much for our country. Volunteer some of your time with the New Hampshire Wounded Heroes, Inc. as we show our ...
On Jan. 21 I attended the women's march in Boston with my daughter and her friend from college. A record number of people came out to support a variety of issues and concerns. But they were united by the belief that every Americans voice should be heard. Many of my friends marched in ...
I want to remember a woman who was an example of what it means to be a community member. Anni Hurley, who died last week, was not born in this country, but she was a willing volunteer when called to help out. For years, she served at the Strawberry and Apple Festivals. She loved her adopted ...
As soon as Donald Trump was sworn into office as president, the White House website deleted federal policy regarding people with disabilities. I guess that is not that much of a surprise considering the fact that Trump openly mocked the physical disability of a reporter at a campaign event ...