
HB Letters

Stop 14.4% tax increase, adopt SB2 voting

To the Editor: During the Hollis Brookline Co-op School District budget hearing on Feb. 18, the Co-op Budget Committee reported that Brookline's tax rate for the co-op will increase 14.4 percent if all warrant articles pass as written. As the former chair of the Co-op Budget Committee, a 14.4 ...

Vote yes for SB2

To the Editor: This March on Election Day, registered voters can go to the polls, which are open for 12 hours, and cast their ballots for school board and town offices candidates. Voters who are out of town, traveling on business, working, etc., may request an absentee ballot and still ...

Hollis voters asked to support Article 3

To the Editor: At Town Meeting in Hollis this year, Warrant Article 3 gives the voters the opportunity to purchase and permanently protect nearly 1 mile of shorefront and 140 acres on Rocky Pond. This beautiful, 64-acre pond is more than 1½ times larger than Silver Lake. It has remained ...

Unanswered questions from presentation

To the Editor: I am submitting below a letter concerning a lecture titled "Your American Muslim Neighbor" that was given on Feb. 14, 2016, at the Brookline Fire Station. "Your American Muslim Neighbor" I was very disappointed to find that Ms. Ibrahim gave ...

SB2 is not for Hollis and Brookline

To the Editor: Why do some want the SB2 form of town meeting versus the traditional meeting? The benefits are always touted as allowing more people to vote on the town warrant articles because voting is conducted on Election Day. This is definitely a benefit. But what is it that people can ...

Vote in favor of SB2 for Hollis, Brookline

To the Editor: On Tuesday, March, 8 the voters of Hollis and Brookline will have the opportunity to vote to adopt SB2, which would allow for all-day ballot voting on the co-op school budget and bonds. Those of us who attend the co-op annual meetings recognize that they have become ...