To the Editor:
Brookline and Mason have two dedicated, hard-working, highly qualified candidates for state representative in Melanie Levesque and Gale Taylor, and I am proud to support them both.
Melanie is a small business owner, who is deeply involved in her church and our community. She ...
To the Editor:
Are you frustrated with this election? Are you thinking of not even voting? I hear you. I've been involved in this election for almost two years. I saw all 17 Republican presidential candidates and all five Democratic presidential candidates, some multiple times. I strive to be ...
To the Editor:
In what has become the most divisive election in our lifetimes, voters are faced with two choices as to who will occupy the White House for the next four years. One being the winner of the Republican primaries, during which he outpolled 17 other candidates, convincing the ...
To the Editor:
I'm John Lewicke, candidate for state representative for Brookline and Mason. I ask for your vote on Nov. 8.
I believe individuals, not government, should make most choices. We must end abuse of individual rights by government and by corporations wielding government power. We ...
To the Editor :
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is the only nominee in 20 years who understands that first, the United States has a severe unemployment crisis; second, our trade and regulatory policies are driving it; and third, we are a nation that exports employment and imports ...
To the editor:
Here are some facts that illustrate a disturbing voting record of Democrat candidate Melanie Levesque (Brookline) when previously in the New Hampshire Legislature:
Levesque supports Common Core, despite the fact a vote was taken in March 2014 at the annual SAU 41 meeting with a ...