Vote Levesque, Taylor for state rep
To the Editor:
Brookline and Mason have two dedicated, hard-working, highly qualified candidates for state representative in Melanie Levesque and Gale Taylor, and I am proud to support them both.
Melanie is a small business owner, who is deeply involved in her church and our community. She has served three non-consecutive terms in Concord and she has proven herself to be thoughtful and informed on the important issues facing New Hampshire. She enthusiastically seeks out the concerns and thoughts of all of her constituents.
Gale is also a small business owner and has demonstrated remarkable energy in her outreach to Brookline and Mason voters. She has served Brookline on various boards, including the finance committee, economic development committee, as vice president of the Brookline Women’s Club and as a cemetery trustee.
As Mason representative on the Nashua Regional Planning Committee Energy Facilities Advisory Committee, I observed Melanie and Gale team up with each other, and with other concerned citizens to successfully oppose the Kinder Morgan pipeline. My professional career also overlapped with Gale at IBM and HP, where she used her organization and business skills to bring many successful products to market.
Therefore, I have seen firsthand where Melanie and Gale have become informed quickly about important public as well as business issues, and then evangelize these issues to the appropriate leaders on behalf of their stakeholders to make sure their concerns were heard.
These are skills we desperately need in Concord from our representatives. Remember, "All politics is local," to quote Tip O’Neil. We need reps regardless of their party affiliation to fight for our Mason and Brookline issues, and I believe both Gale and Melanie are the best choices to advocate for our needs.
Please join me in supporting Melanie Levesque and Gale Taylor for state representative. Brookline and Mason voters vote for two Representatives, be sure to fill in boxes for both candidates!
Steve Wells
Mason NRPC EFAC representative