
Consider candidate’s voting record

To the editor:

Here are some facts that illustrate a disturbing voting record of Democrat candidate Melanie Levesque (Brookline) when previously in the New Hampshire Legislature:

Levesque supports Common Core, despite the fact a vote was taken in March 2014 at the annual SAU 41 meeting with a historic turnout of Brookline and Hollis residents who voted decisively against implementation of this federally driven program.

Levesque supported automatic continuation clauses in collective bargaining agreements with public employee unions, regardless of the impact on property taxpayers. This is certainly not helping anyone who pays taxes in New Hampshire. It was repealed four years later, thanks to Republicans regaining control of the New Hampshire House. This law’s termination was one of the best "anti-poverty programs" for middle-class households, because it put controls on spending and property taxes.

Levesque voted "yes" on legislation in 2014 authorizing in-state tuition rates for illegal aliens. Are you struggling to find money for your own children to attend college? Can you afford to be the "rich uncle" for everyone else who decides to break our nation’s laws and expects to be rewarded for it?

Levesque supports expansion of Medicaid and Obamacare and voted against a bill in 2013 that would have stopped it from going forward.

Levesque voted for something called "Workforce Housing." Sounds harmless enough until you read the bill. It was a top-down program forcing towns to provide multi-unit housing as ordered by a state agency, regardless of the property tax impact or the objectives of locally elected planning boards.

Levesque supported repealing existing law in New Hampshire that allows law-abiding citizens to use deadly force anywhere they have the right to protect themselves and innocent bystanders. This law was already on the books and consistent with Article 2 and 2A of the New Hampshire Constitution.

Levesque supported a bill in 2014 that allows police to photograph and track license plates contrary to the Fourth Amendment of the state constitution.

Is this "putting people first"? Please vote Nov. 8 for John Carr and John Lewicke for Brookline-Mason state representatives.

John A. Diefenbach
