
Will Republicans tame inflation?

Gas just passed $5. Eggs are $2 more a dozen. Prices are up on everything. Republicans see an advantage: blame Biden, and blame any Democrat running in this fall’s elections. It’s an obvious ploy. But, will Republicans actually DO ANYTHING to reduce your pain at the pump or reduce your grocery bills? NOPE.

What’s causing this current inflation? Putin’s war has certainly contributed to high oil prices. We’re still coming out of the worst pandemic ever, which disrupted worldwide supply chains. While the US is recovering better than most countries, China, which supplies many of our critical goods, is still coming out of lockdown. Our pent up demand is outstripping a weakened supply chain’s ability to keep up.

These facts won’t stop Republicans from blaming Democrats for inflation. If you fall for it and vote Republican this fall, what will they do for you? Here’s what Republicans have been doing:

• Guns – making it easier for anyone to obtain assault rifles and boatloads of ammo so teenagers can kill more school children (yes, even here in NH)

• Voter suppression – in support of the ‘Big Lie,’ Republican legislatures (including NH) are making it harder to vote, and are deciding which votes they’ll count/not count. We’re sliding into autocracy.

• Banning abortion – further eroding a women’s right to her own body (yes, here in NH). If your daughter or niece gets raped, she could be forced to give birth against her will. And, child care for that baby? Forget about it.

• Furthering white supremacy – pushing unsubstantiated claims about ‘critical race theory’ and scaring people with fringe conspiracy ‘replacement theory.’ Bashing gays and anyone ‘not like us’ stirs up hate and discontent, further eroding our democratic values.

• Eroding public education -in NH teachers are banned by law from discussing ‘divisive concepts’ in schools, whatever that means. And, you can ‘rat out’ suspected teachers in NH with Edelblut’s ‘tattletale option.’ Education vouchers syphon funds from public schools to benefit rich people’s private schooling for their kids.

• Climate change inaction – from non-support of wind and solar to increased fossil fuel pollution, Republicans ignore climate change. NH is already seeing increased wildfires and coastal flooding.

In summary, will Republicans do anything to minimize inflation and help you? Nope. But you can count on more gun deaths, being harder to vote, more white supremacy, less public education, more climate disasters, etc., etc. Don’t be fooled by their claims. Vote Democratic – they have real solutions and will keep our democracy free.