Support antitrust legislation
Slick television ads paid for by Big Tech have been running for weeks in New Hampshire, which are extremely misleading claiming that , “Your Amazon will be broken” and “you’ll lose your Prime” and the “ability to use Google Maps,” but this is simply not true. SB 2992, the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICO) and SB 2710, the Open App Markets Act, are bills targeting the most egregious practices by Big Tech monopolies (Facebook, Amazon, Google and Apple). To be clear, nothing in these bills stops Amazon from continuing Prime features, including free shipping or stops Google from providing useful data in their apps or requires anyone to shut anything down or sell anything off.
According to a recent poll, support for these bills is strong after voters hear what both sides have to say about them, with 70% of New Hampshire voters saying that they want U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan to vote for the legislation.
Voters across states and across party lines support these bipartisan bills because they:
• Promote competition
• Ensure a level playing field for smaller businesses
• Stop big tech companies from taking unfair advantage of their market dominance.
One of the biggest arguments of these misleading ads is that AICO would kill small businesses. AICO helps small businesses compete by giving them more options, more flexibility, and more access to markets. You can go right to the Amazon Services Seller Forum and read seller posts expressing overwhelming support for these bills. One seller posted: “Any informed seller is going to support massive action taken against Amazon in the anti-trust arena. I am personally sick of the condescending posts by Amazon management directed at us. We are not morons and know how to read and think for ourselves. This problem is so bad that elected officials of all political persuasion support major action being taken. You reap what you sow.”
Both bills sailed out of the Judiciary committee in near unanimous, bipartisan votes and now are awaiting a vote on the Senate floor. Contact Hassan today and ask her to get off the fence and vote to support SB 2992, the American Innovation and Choice Online Act (AICO) and SB 2710, the Open App Markets Act. Tell her AICO would help America compete worldwide and boost our economy. Competition is what makes American companies great and powers innovation.