
Wood is right pick
for committee

I have known Rick Wood for the past two years while he and I served as members of the Milford School Budget Advisory Committee (SBAC). It is with this familiarity with Mr. Wood and his focus on ensuring that our children and students benefit from a fiscally responsible budget that I am willing to provide my public endorsement of him.

Rick is always well prepared for our meetings and is always doing necessary research to support positions he takes on budget items. As the SBAC chairman, he views his leadership role as earning respect of other SBAC members and not assuming that because he’s the chair, only his view matters. He openly solicits input from all members and welcomes discussions on opposing views. He has ensured that all on the SBAC have a voice.

Additionally, Rick strives to make fact-based decisions considering both the taxpayer and the students in the budget process, and is willing to challenge the status quo. In my two years serving on the SBAC, Rick’s leadership as chair of the SBAC has helped us have a voice in the school budget process. He interacts with the School Board and attends School Board meetings as a public participant and as a representative of the SBAC. He has been, and will continue to be, an active participant in the school budgeting process.

In summary, I believe Rick Wood would be an asset to this town as a member of the Milford School Board, and I encourage resident of Milford to vote for him.

Mark Cooney

Vice chairman

Milford School Budget

Advisory Committee