Letters to the Editor
Actual quotes needed for Keyes building
To the Editor:
I read with interest the article about the plans to enlarge Keyes Memorial Park, and was quite surprised at the numbers relative to the cost of renovating the existing building or tearing it down and building a new facility.
I took the liberty of visiting the site, and it is a structure manufactured by Butler Buildings of Kansas City, Mo., and seems quite sound.
Having spent the better part of 45 years in design/build construction of industrial and commercial buildings, I have a pretty good idea of the costs associated with either of the two choices presented.
First of all, I cannot conceive of spending $2,850,000 or $86.36 per square foot to renovate a 33,000 building given that the site work is done and all the utilities are in place. I would venture that figure is double the real cost of renovation of the existing building. Further, to commit to spend $3,800,000 or $115 per square foot to demolish and replace a sound structure makes no sense to me.
I do not know where these numbers came from, but neither is realistic, in my opinion. I would urge the committee to get actual quotes from qualified mechanical, plumbing and electrical subcontractors and a design/build GC who can provide a real estimate of the actual project cost to renovate the building.
James M. Coull Amherst
Where have all the rabbits gone?
To the Editor:
On the front page of your December 8 issue under "Thumbing the Files," there is an interesting piece about a George Gautier who was out hunting for rabbits. Unfortunately, he was accidentally shot in the knee by a friend while jumping on clumps of juniper to flush out the rabbits. This tells me that rabbits must have been quite prevalent 65 years ago.
Where have they all gone, as I have not seen a rabbit around in many, many years. I even have seen far fewer squirrels and chipmunks and have an awful feeling, despite what the manufacturers say, that our constant use of chemicals on our lawns and gardens is affecting them.
Maybe those of you who live in more rural areas still have rabbits around. In the words of Rachel Carson, "I hope so."
Carole Byatt Amherst
Thank you to groups for decorating the Oval
To the Editor:
A big thank you to everyone who put up all the beautiful holiday decorations around the Milford Oval.
That would include the Milford Fire Department, the Lions Club, the Department of Public Works, the Milford Garden Club and the Milford Improvement Team. I hope I didn’t forget anyone!
Kathy Bauer Selectman