
Letters to the Editor

Thank you for successful Team Trivia Night

To the Editor:

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all who helped to make the Souhegan Scholarship Foundation’s second annual Team Trivia Night such a success.

It was a fun night filled with friend­ly competition, good food and many laughs.

The night would not have been pos­sible without the support of so many. First, a very special thank you to our corporate sponsors, Amherst Label and Dyn. A huge shout-out to all of the teams that participated and congratu­lations to the winning team, The Quiz Wizards.

To our venue host, Labelle Winery, and to the many donors who contrib­uted to our silent auction, we are very grateful: Tilea Toy, Mont Vernon Vil­lage Store, an anonymous Souhegan graduate, Aegis Container, From the Barrel Brewing Co., Clark & Leighton Dentistry, Jeff Hall, Kathy and Chuck Wason, Irene and Charlie Pyle, Andy Caulton, Maggie Paul, Dick Miller, Costco, Frederick’s Pastries, Gior­gio’s, Union Coffee, Liquor Outlet and Teddy’s Barber Shop.

Finally, a very special thank you to the outstanding emcees John Zahr, Matt Toy and Mike Taylor. Their ques­tions were intriguing, their sense of humor kept everyone laughing and we are all just a little bit better for knowing just exactly what the Native American word "Souhegan" really means.

The Souhegan Scholarship Founda­tion is a nonprofit organization that serves the students of the Souhe­gan Valley, specifically in Amherst and Mont Vernon. Scholarships are awarded to assist students in their first year of college who demonstrate academic achievement with financial need. Since its inception in 2003, SSF has awarded more than $105,000, with 15 scholarships being awarded last year alone.

To send a donation or for more in­formation, please contact us at Souhe­gan Scholarship Foundation, P.O. Box 323, Amherst, NH 03031.

Carol Hopfenspirger

Board secretary

Souhegan Scholarship Foundation Board

Milford selectmen wasted $60K on sports fields

To the Editor:

I have said many times in the past that the Milford selectmen are not to be trusted, and they proved that to be true once again this fall.

Having no authorization from voters to build two soccer fields on Heron Pond Road, and despite a petition by several dozen voters, they went ahead with the construction anyway.

When construction began on the fields in late September, DPW spewed massive amounts of dust into the air, and after ignoring the previous warnings, the Department of Environ­mental Services sent the matter to its enforcement branch.

During this time, the kids were back in class at Heron Pond Elemen­tary School. Town Administrator Mark Bender, an Amherst resident, complained about having to com­ply with rules he doesn’t like with no mention of the effects of dust on schoolchildren.

Milford residents were told in July that the cost of the project that they never voted on would be $29,250 and would take two or three weeks. After five weeks, DPW left an ugly eyesore in the field and the existing pit, and proudly announced that the project cost Milford taxpayers $60,000.

Last August, Mr. Bender bragged about how en­vironmentally sensitive they would be executing the project and then com­plained that it costs them much more because of it.

Milford tax payers found out their taxes went up again this fall, and the BOS is once again struggling to come up with a budget for next year that might be accept­able to voters in March.

Our current selectmen are very incompetent and irresponsible with our tax money, and I intend to vote against any budget they come up with unless it reduces our taxes.

The BOS took money, time and equipment from DPW to build the un­necessary fields when we have roads and bridges in disrepair and needing attention. In March, you will hear DPW Director Riendeau, a New Boston resident, begging us to give him more money to do the work he should have been doing this fall.

Tom Gardner


Ex-principal aids Dollars for Scholars

To the Editor:

My name is John Foss. I was the principal at Jacques Memorial School. Since I retired in 2012, I have become a very enthusiastic supporter of Souhegan Valley Dollars for Scholars, a local or­ganization that has been providing scholarships to Milford students for over the last 50 years.

I have recently decided to make an effort to raise the consciousness of the Milford community as a whole to the amaz­ing benefits and solicit contributions. Last June, Dollars for Scholars distributed $105,000 to Milford students plan­ning on continuing their education. The money is raised through dona­tions, fundraising and the Bruce Trust.

I have reread the es­says required for the scholarships for which I am responsible. Since my scholarship deals with education, they write about their aspirations. Phrases like, "I first became interested in the field when I took an intro­ductory special educa­tion course," or, "Special educators are crucial to the education system because without them, students would not have equitable access to qual­ity education," or, "My main influence was my elementary school guid­ance counselor. … I hope to inspire and to create helpful relationships with the younger generation as an elementary guidance counselor," or, "I am tak­ing many courses to reach this goal," or, " Through this journey, I’ve found my desired occupation and a sense of responsi­bility to give back to the community."

All of these students want to become individu­als who give back to the community as teach­ers, special educators, physical therapists or any number of other occupa­tions who are helping and teaching either in public schools or in other enti­ties.

John Foss

Former principal

Jacques Memorial School


EDITOR’S NOTE: The Jingle Downtown Holiday Fair at Jacques School on Saturday, Dec. 3, will ben­efit Souhegan Valley Dol­lars for Scholars (John Foss Scholarship). Lunch also will be available. Informa­tion: www.souheganvalley. dollarsforscholars.org.