
Letters to the Editor

Thanks for smooth election

To the Editor:

I would like to publicly thank Town Moderator Peter Basiliere for his out­standing job running the polls for the election last week.

His organizational skills are superb. His communications to election vol­unteers, his training session for bal­lot clerks and his setup of the polls to reduce lines was very well thought out and executed.

Working with the Police Department to open up two-way driving and park­ing between the high school and mid­dle school was a great move. And the provision of mini shuttles for handi­capped voters to the door was some­thing you don’t find in every town.

Great job, Peter, and all town offi­cials and volunteers who worked hard to make it easy to vote.

Celeste Philbrick Barr


Help support Standing Rock

To the Editor:

On Nov. 3, the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in New England is­sued a Call to Prayer and Support for Standing Rock. In light of the great in­terest that southern New Hampshire people have shown with regard to our local pipeline issues, the members of the Souhegan Meeting in Wilton wish to share this statement with all people of good will in our region.

In North Dakota, the Standing Rock Sioux and their allies are struggling for the future of their land and people. Where those without worldly power stand in the truth in the face of em­pire, God is at work and our faith calls us to support them.

For months, the indigenous people leading this witness have embraced their role as "water protectors" in opposition to the completion of an oil pipeline that threatens the water supply, sacred sites, sovereignty and survival of native people. Their non­violent stand to protect the water, land and climate for future generations fac­es escalating violence in a militarized, state-supported assault.

We see God at work in these coura­geous actions, raising up a vision of a world renewed. Many people of faith, including the Quakers, are engaged in supporting this witness, and we pray for those who plan to deepen their in­volvement. We are keenly aware that winter is coming to North Dakota and that direct material support is needed for those continuing this work.

We encourage you to keep this un­folding confrontation in your prayers and to keep yourselves and their communities educated about nonvio­lent resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock and else­where. We urge you to consider how you might offer practical and spiri­tual support to those standing for life in the face of violence.

In support of this witness, we hope all will consider the following pos­sible actions:

  • Prayer: Hold all involved and af­fected by these events – on every side – in the Light of Christ, including those from New England who are working to support the water protectors and those planning to travel to North Da­kota in the coming days.
  • Advocacy: Join the advocacy work of Friends Committee on National Leg­islation in solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
  • Support: Respond to the call for timely and direct support of those gathered at the Sacred Stone Camp.

Brian Drayton


Performance for anniversary

To the Editor:

Just two days before the election, three former first ladies appeared in Milford. … Well, it was only one lady, but Elaine Bromka, per­forming as Lady Bird, Pat and Betty, made a capac­ity audience believe that they were really there.

The event at the Con­gregational Church’s par­ish house, the auditorium that served as the venue for Playhouse 101 when it began, was in celebration of the 45th anniversary of the professional sum­mer theater, which after three years became the American Stage Festival in the theater that is now the Amato Center for the Performing Arts.

Ms. Bromka was one of the origianl actors at Play­house 101. Her "Tea For Three" performance has played in many locations over the years. How lucky we were that we could see it here!

Erna Johnson


Turnout affected outcome

To the Editor:

Before we lose our­selves in a wave of post-election conciliatory feel­ings, I will insert a fact into the discussions of those of you who feel the wrong candidate won the election.

According to several media outlets, a smaller share of eligible voters turned out in the 2016 presidential election than turned out in either of the previous two presidential elections.

So what, you say?

When fewer voters go to the polls, overall, Re­publicans tend to win that election. The opposite is true, too. When more voters go to the voting booths, Democrats tend to win that election. This is true across the electorate, not just in battleground states.

This is not intended to take anything away from Mr. Trump’s victory, it’s just the way things shake out. Selah.

Russ Brady


Scouting for Food collects 4.75 tons

To the Editor:

Scouting for Food was a great success this year. The communities of Ma­son, Wilton, Mont Vernon, Lyndeborough, Brookline, Amherst and Milford gen­erously donated more than 11,233 items of food and personal hygiene products that were distributed to Share in Milford, and the Open Cupboard and the Second Congregational Church’s Christmas Store food pantries in Wilton.

This year, we collected more than 4.75 tons of food and hygiene products. Thank you to our generous residents for donating – these items will go a long way in helping our neigh­bors who need a little ex­tra assistance this winter.

Scouting for Food is successful because of the organizations that volun­teer and donate to the ef­fort. A special thank you goes to Chief Jack Kelly and the Milford Fire De­partment, who opened the fire station again this year as the collection, packing and delivery headquar­ters for Scouting for Food.

Another special thank you goes to Market Basket and Shaw’s supermarkets in Milford for providing more than 500 banana boxes to pack the food for delivery to the food pan­tries and for helping to recycle the many plastic grocery bags that were re­ceived full of food.

Also, thank you to Piz­zeria Roma for its support with feeding our hungry volunteers.

Finally, thank you to the Boy and Girl Scouts throughout our communi­ties who hung thousands of door tags explaining Scouting for Food and picked up the food dona­tions. Without Girl Scout Troops 10033, 10111, 12027, 12212, 12681, 12997, 51960 and 12687; Cub Scout Packs 4, 260, 421 and 613; and Boy Scout Troops 4, 10, 22, 264, 260 and 407, Scouting for Food would not be pos­sible. All our Scouts per­formed their good deeds and should be proud of helping their neighbors. What wonderful communi­ties we live in that care so deeply for their neighbors and provide such great ex­amples to our young people of how to be a community.

John Orthmann


Milford Area Scouting for Food