Letters to the Editor
Thank you for supporting Touchstone Farm
To the Editor:
The FarmTastic Fundraising Committee, the board of directors, the staff and the clients of Touchstone Farm all wish to thank everyone who turned out for our fundraiser on Oct. 1.
We were overjoyed that 178 people braved the rainy weather to come to our evening event in the beautifully decorated historic barn. With delicious food from the Roy’s Market team, yummy seasonal cocktails and mocktails from Martini’s, live music with Gene Brochu, the festivities were topped off by a hotly contended auction of all things big and small, led by the consummate auctioneer himself, Steve Demaris. The evening was a rousing success by all accounts.
This event was generously sponsored by a variety of local businesses, large and small. With table captains inviting guests, many new friends were introduced to the variety of programs offered throughout the year at Touchstone Farm in Temple.
Thanks to these sponsors and generous guests, the event committee was delighted that the funds raised exceeded their wildest hopes. These dollars will go to helping all programs thrive, taking great care of our hard-working staff and horses while maintaining our historic farm property. Each dollar will be thoughtfully and wisely spent to support our mission.
Thank you one and all who attended. You put the fun into fundraising!
Boo Martin
Touchstone Farm
This election, consider choosing a third option
To the Editor:
On Tuesday, Nov. 8, I am going for my third option and voting for Gov. Gary Johnson for president for the first time in my voting career.
America cannot afford Hillary or Trump. Remember, if a "third party" presidential candidate wins one state and Hillary and Trump cannot get the 270 electoral votes to become president, then those three candidates would go to the U.S. Congress on the second and third ballot. The winner of that vote would make history and become the 45th U.S. president.
Gov. Gary Johnson, of the Libertarian Party, Dr. Jill Stein, of the Green Party, and Darrell Castle, of the Constitution Party, are all viable third-party presidential candidates who could actually win in 2016. To my fellow Americans, if you really want America to change for the better for all of us, then we need to start voting a different way. The two big political parties are not serving us, they are serving themselves. Time to give them some competition with a third or fourth party. "A wasted vote is voting for someone you do not believe in!"
Mark Linn
Candidates should follow Joelle Martin’s example
To the Editor:
I find the tone of the current elections, from the top of the ticket down, to be tiresome, polarized and dysfunctional. Issues are no longer discussed and debated; they are argued and personalized. Everyone seems to be shouting. Few are listening, and those who try are just getting a headache.
It is with this in mind that I felt it important to take a moment to say how refreshing I found state representative candidate Joelle Martin’s recent letter to The Cabinet. The idea that a representative will want to listen to constituents and meet the members of the other party "in the middle" rather than just head off to Concord to pull whatever ideological lever the given party instructs is reflective of basic representative democracy. Sadly, it is a far cry from what we as a country seem to be devolving toward.
Martin mentions in her letter that current representatives failed to support bipartisan legislation that would have addressed our crises in health care and drug abuse. I looked it up, it is there. Frankly, I would argue that whichever side of the aisle you find yourself, ideology for ideology’s sake at the expense of our neighbors is not effective or representative government.
We need more candidates like Joelle Martin. Period.
Andy Hughes
Eye-Spy a Milford treasure at the pumpkin festival
To the Editor:
Milford Historical Society volunteers and Pumpkin Festivalgoers rock!
On Saturday during the Pumpkin Festival, the doors of the Carey House Museum at the Milford Historical Society were open for a dual event. The usual open house hours were extended from two to seven hours to make our first-ever Eye-Spy Scavenger Hunt a success. The reception of festivalgoers to the game was amazing. Families came throughout the day to spy designated items throughout the entire museum. Young and old enjoyed the hunt and the camaraderie of all the knowledgeable volunteers on duty. There were lots of conversations about Milford’s history, and the young players were scouring the museum with spy glasses looking for as many items as possible.
It was wonderful to see so many young faces and young families exploring our treasures. Most said that they were first-time visitors and really enjoyed the experience.
We were amazed when one group of women mentioned that they had just flown in to Boston from Phoenix, had heard about the festival and included the Eye-Spy game in their experience. Then they were off to Bar Harbor, Maine, for vacation.
Polly Cote, local author and MHS volunteer, had a well-received book signing on the lawn.
Thank you, volunteers and game players, for making this debut event such a smashing success. Please come back and explore the museum again! We are working at new displays to keep your repeated visits fresh and exciting.
Charlie Annand
Milford Historical Society
Support Len Gerzon for NH House
To the Editor:
Election Day marks the 32nd anniversary of the day I met my husband, Len Gerzon, who is a candidate for New Hampshire House in Hillsborough District 22. I write this letter in support of his candidacy, to share what I admired in him the first night we met, and to describe how those same qualities would make him a responsive, thoughtful and trustworthy voice in the New Hampshire Statehouse.
On Nov. 8, 2004, Ronald Reagan had just been elected to his second term in office. At the gathering where I met Len, a group of young professionals and graduate students got into a heated political debate. There were young, newly minted Republicans who were part of the Reagan revolution who argued for Reagan’s strong foreign policy stance. There were also several young Democrats present, some tentative to speak and others quite angry after the landslide defeat of their candidate. Words were said and tempers flared, and I was certain the gathering was about to erupt. Until, that is, Len spoke.
I don’t actually remember the words he said, but I have clear recall as to how they were delivered. It was a glimpse of what I would come to love and admire most in Len – he was thoughtful, fair, kind, a little bit funny and genuinely interested in making sure that those on different sides of the issue could hear one another. He had listened carefully through the exchange, heard valid ideas on both sides and honored them with a fair-minded comment that honored each voice. His words immediately diffused the tension and opened the door for the discussion to continue in a way that was safe for all to contribute. It was just a brief moment, one he does not even recall, but it caught my attention.
Over these 32 years, I have seen how Len brings these same qualities – an ability to listen, hear multiple sides of an issue and create consensus – to benefit countless individuals, committees and organizations that he has served. I know that others see these traits, as well. Len is consistently called out by others as being fair, trustworthy, respectful and nonpartisan – just as I observed in him on that night we met.
I share these anecdotes as Len’s wife, but more importantly as a resident of Amherst. Amherst residents will benefit by electing Len, someone with unique and proven abilities to address complex issues and create effective and workable compromise. I urge you, regardless of your political affiliation, to consider voting for Len Gerzon on Nov. 8.
Nancy Gerzon
Support Democratic candidates for 2016
To the Editor:
Voters seem to be particularly stressed this year. So many seem to be suffering from confusion, cynicism and anxiety. However, having a rational perspective about the status of democracy in our country can help in making voting an exhilarating experience rather than a stressful chore.
A case in point took place at the fifth annual Italian dinner sponsored by the Milford Democrats on Oct. 12. Speakers included Congresswoman Annie Kuster; Steve Shurtleff, leader of the New Hampshire House Democrats; Daniel Weeks, candidate for the Executive Council; and Garth Corriveau, candidate for county attorney.
Annie Kuster is a true New Hampshire treasure. She is immersed in helping to solve the opioid crisis in New Hampshire. She has vocally attacked the overuse of addictive pain medications and is exercising great leadership in the complexities of meeting this crisis.
Dan Weeks is another true New Hampshire treasure. His background and his campaign for the Executive Council are truly inspiring. He is a proven advocate for good government reform. No one will work harder to help move New Hampshire into the future.
Garth Corriveau is analytical and eloquent speaking about the horrendous example Donald Trump is providing Americans with regard to women. However, the biggest issue by far that inspired him to run is the heroin/opioid epidemic afflicting Manchester, Nashua and much of Hillsborough County. Garth has a passion for social justice that will make him an outstanding county attorney.
Steve Shurtleff is not on the ballot in Milford, but he is another genuine treasure from New Hampshire who has a heart of gold and the legislative skills to lead New Hampshire legislators to new levels of accomplishment.
Your votes for the five state representative candidates on the Milford ballot will be a resounding vote for great leadership in Concord.
As one of the speakers at the dinner, I was honored to voice my support for Colin Van Ostern, our candidate for governor. Colin’s approach to governing is both exciting and practical. I have reviewed all 10 pages of issues on his website and found them compelling and exceedingly well suited to creating the quality of life we want for our loved ones.
If ever there was a year to support the Democratic ticket from the bottom to the top, this is the year! The Milford Democratic team asks for your vote.
Frank Emmick
Candidate for state representative
Gerzon would be effective leader
To the Editor:
I have taken great pride in my voting record and the care with which I cast my ballots. This election cycle with all the acrimony and rhetoric, I believe it is more important than any other time to make the right choice.
Amherst has been my home for 42 years. As a longtime resident, active in local organizations and SHS School Board and former executive director of the Souhegan Valley Chamber of Commerce, I have experienced firsthand what is required of our elected officials at the state level.
I have known and worked with Len Gerzon for over 10 years. Through those years, I have seen his hard work up close in his service as one of the members of the chamber’s board, a member of the Amherst Conservation Commission, the chairman of the Peabody Mill Environment Center, the Amherst Energy Committee and as a participant in the Amherst Master Plan project. I am convinced that Len is a business leader who has the experience, passion and connection to both the issues of working families and business to be a terrific representative for Amherst and Bedford.
As a lifelong Republican, I heartily endorse Len Gerzon to be our next state representative. He has a long history of working as a pragmatist, from the center, to get the people’s business done. I know he will be a very effective leader in Concord for all of us, and he has the right temperament to help bring our ultrapartisan political process back from the brink.
The decisions made at the state level can determine how New Hampshire is to be successful. I ask that you join me in enthusiastically supporting and voting for Len Gerzon this Nov. 8.
May Balsama