
Letter to the Editor

Hillary Clinton will bring socialism to America

To the Editor:

In last week’s Cabinet, a letter was written decrying that if Trump is elected president, the USA as we know it will cease to exist. I don’t deny that. But let me state this: If Hillary wins the election in Novem­ber, and the Democrats take back the House and Senate, the USA as we know it will also cease to exist.

In fact, if Hillary wins, be prepared to change the name of our country to the Socialist States of America.

If Hillary gets to do all she wants, including Bernie Sanders’ wants, the government will simply take all of your paycheck, and give you back whatever THEY think you need. This will result in citizens not even mak­ing an effort, because they will all be paid the same.

You want to take a good-paying job to get ahead? Forget about it. The government will just take the funds away from you.

Freedom of association as guar­anteed by the constitution? Not any more. The government will tell you how many of whoever you will invite into your group, either publicly or in private.

Freedom of religion? Only if your religious beliefs are in accordance with the government’s guidelines.

Want to keep your children? Not unless you raise them exactly as the government thinks you should; other­wise, they will take them from you (in case you haven’t noticed, they already are).

Democrats believe the government is the supreme being, and they know what is best for you.

More importantly, if you are a white male under 60 years of age, you will become the lowest on the totem pole for any job, promotion or benefit. Hill­ary has emphatically stated that she is an avowed feminist, and this will become the decade of the woman.

I hope you listened to all of those interviews of Hillary’s supporters dur­ing the DNC. Almost every one stated they are voting for her because she is a woman. That is a pretty feeble rea­son to vote for someone, just because of their gender. Didn’t people vote for Obama just because he was black? You see how that turned out.

Folks, I am not suggesting that you should vote for Donald Trump, he would, indeed, be a disaster. But just remember, if you want to keep America, America, you better think twice about voting for Hillary. Who should you vote for? Beats me. Maybe you should write in my name.

Stephen Takacs


Kelly Ayotte is the leader we need to fight drug crisis

To the Editor:

The heroin and drug crisis here in New Hampshire needs leaders on both sides of the aisle who are willing to stand up and fight, no matter what it takes. Kelly Ayotte has proven that she is one of those leaders.

She showed that through her bipar­tisan work to pass the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, and it is clear that Kelly is passionate about saving lives and creat­ing an example for other states that are battling the same issues.

I’m supporting Kelly Ayotte because I want a senator that is willing to look past party lines in or­der to get people the help that they need, and time and time again, Kelly has done this on that issue.

Cooper Jay


Wonderful evening honoring police

To the Editor:

My wife and I were so impressed with the hosting of our "men and women in blue" last night, Aug. 2.

Adults and children alike were treated to open and personal contact participation in a wonderful evening of games, fun, caring, and delicious food.

It was a super service to our community, and it appeared the officers enjoyed it as much as did we.

Stewart Ross


Bachman death not due to road

To the Editor:

This is in response to last week’s front page story ‘Road Rage’ re­garding safety concerns on Merrimack Road in Amherst.

Paul Tripp referenced the fatality of John Bach­man as recent evidence as to the dangerous con­dition of the road. That is a complete misrepresen­tation of the facts.

John Bachman being hit and killed had abso­lutely nothing to do with the makeup of the road. By his own admittance, the vehicle operator’s in­attentiveness was the sole factor to the crash.

Mr. Tripp using my father’s death for his own personal gain is insen­sitive, inaccurate and selfish.

Pam (Bachman) McKinney

Mont Vernon

Hopefest offers family fun

To the Editor:

There is a great family event planned for the end of August in Milford. We have the honor of host­ing Hopefest, which is a music festival to benefit Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity.

With our hectic sched­ules and rigorous day-to-day demands, Hopefest provides us with an op­portunity to spend some nice quality time with our families. In this troubled world of ours, couldn’t we use a little faith, hope, and love to help remind us of what is really impor­tant?

Artists from all around are scheduled to perform, including Mark Shultz, Ryan Stevenson, Jonas Woods, Epic Season, and many more. This social event also offers activi­ties for the whole family: arts and crafts, on-site camping, nature walk trails and food.

Everyone is welcome. We have an opportunity to bring positive excite­ment and energy to our area. The more com­munity involvement, the better our chances of raising funds for a great cause.

With your help, we can turn this festival into an annual event. Plus, it’s a great chance to have some fun in a family-friendly environment.

Date: Saturday, August 27 (10 a.m.-10 p.m.) and Sunday, August 28 (12-4 p.m.)

Location: 327 North River Road, Milford.

For tickets and addi­tional information: www. hopefestnh.org

Jason Plourde
