
Letters to the Editor

Health care remains a priority for our nation

To the Editor:

The New Hampshire state Legisla­ture is to be congratulated for the bi­partisan extension of Medicare under the aegis of the Affordable Care Act.

They have protected affordable ac­cess to health care for some 40,000 newly insured New Hampshirites. Doctors, nurse practitioners, hospi­tals and those trying to address the state’s opioid problem are breathing a little easier today, throughout the state.

Now we have to be sure to elect Hill­ary Clinton in November to keep Don­ald Trump from repealing it all as he has promised – along with any number of other grotesqueries.

For a nation as concerned with the economy as we all are, few elements can affect a family’s economic well-being more quickly and seriously than health care, especially as today’s med­ical costs continue to mushroom. For openers, Hillary’s plan would require insurers and employers to provide up to three sick visits to a doctor per year – without having to meet the plan’s de­ductible. Now you can get your child or yourself to a doctor at the first sign of a problem without worrying about out-of-pocket costs.

Globalization and job-killing tech­nologies may be beyond our immedi­ate grasp, but a serious illness can hit us where we live – literally. Hillary Clinton’s career-long battle for im­proved and more affordable health care, from rural Arkansas in 1979 to the Children’s Health Insurance Pro­gram which today covers more 8 mil­lion children, to $20 billion for the special health needs of the 9/11 first responders – and she’s just getting started.

Outlined on her website (www. hillaryclinton.com/briefing) are plans for reduced costs, extended care, low­er prescription drug costs and more.

Take a good look at the many ways this experienced leader will work for you and your family and vote for Hill­ary Clinton in November.

George Duncan
