
Letters to the Editor

>$0 appropriated for sports fields; $29,250 being spent

To the Editor:

It’s true. The Milford Board of Se­lectmen is ready to spend $29,250 to construct the Brox Recreational Fields on Heron Pond Road. The town admin­istrator explained this expenditure to the public at a hearing held on July 14.

Don’t the town administrator and the BOS recall that voters appropriat­ed $0 for Brox at Town Meeting 2016? Zero is supposed to mean zero, accord­ing to state law. Mr. Bender explained that the $29,250 to construct the two soccer fields would come out of the current year budget’s line items.

If that were to happen, something else would have to give, right? Will it be the repair or resurfacing of your street or fixing of a nearby bridge?

As everybody knows, the town has no shortage of deferred needs – build­ing repairs, salaries, equipment, road maintenance. Since we are trying so hard to meet the needs of Milford resi­dents, we should not rent fields to any non-Milford groups in order to give our fields more of a chance to rest.

Everyone ought to realize that it is ultimately the Milford voter’s right and obligation to weigh in on the spending of $29,250 for new, poor quality, tempo­rary sports fields built by a DPW crew, or decide that these funds would be better spent on something else.

Tom Gardner


Support for Milford Senior Spa Day appreciated

To the Editor:

On Wednesday, July 13, Milford Recreation Department held its first Senior Spa Day at the Banquet Hall in Town Hall.

Our seniors had a great time getting their hair and nails done.

It is with the generous support of businesses like this that the Recre­ation Department is able to offer a variety of programs for all ages.

The Milford Recreation Depart­ment would like to give special thanks to the students at Michaels School of Hair Design from Bedford and Kaitlyn Fisher from Belair Barber & Beauty from Milford for coming to our event and treating our seniors to some free fun and beauty.

Thank You!

John Kohlmorgen

Town of Milford

Senate candidate holding community ice cream social

To the Editor:

Sometimes we all get too heated and confrontational. Road rage. Or everything boils down to us versus them. With me or against me. Black or white. Deep down, though, we all want the same basic things: security, good health, a good job and a promising future for our families. We want a gov­ernment that isn’t intrusive, freedom to follow our own, individual "pursuit of happiness" and liberty for all.

And we all want ice cream! In fact, we scream for it.

So in an effort to meet and get to know each other, especially our neighbors around Souhegan Street, we (me and my campaign team) are hosting a neighborhood Ice Cream Social!

This Saturday, July 23, from 4-8 p.m., 50 Souhegan St. (RSVP: facebook.com/ tilton2016 or call 249-5151.)

Come by, share your thoughts. What’s important to you? And what do you expect of your state senator? Let’s talk, let’s celebrate the issues upon which we agree and let’s discuss solu­tions to the others.

And all the while, let’s share some ice cream.

Roger Tilton

Candidate for state Senate


Sen. Ayotte is good for ensuring national security

To the Editor:

National security and keeping America safe is the significant issue for me in the upcoming election. I was glad to see that Sen. Kelly Ayotte spoke this week about national secu­rity and outlined a specific plan for protecting us here at home. That’s the kind of detail, knowledge, and exper­tise I want to see from someone who is asking for my vote for US Senate, especially in light of the chaos in Tur­key and the continued ISIS attacks.

In the Senate, she deals with secu­rity issues on the Armed Services and Homeland Security Committees.

I’ve noticed that she frequently vis­its our National Guard and Reserves in the state and I hear a lot about the work she does to ensure our troops have what they need both at home and when serving abroad.

I’m impressed by Kelly’s national se­curity expertise and was particularly glad to hear her take a strong position against ISIS. We need people in gov­ernment who are committed to defeat­ing these savages, and I’m convinced that Kelly will be an important part of securing the safety of our country.

Chris Ager
