
Letters to the Editor

> LaBelle Winery exhibit a ‘delightful experience’

To the Editor:

We are recent newcomers to Bed­ford and lovers of fine art. One of the best things about our new home town has been all the interest in and sup­port of art and artists that this area offers.

No matter if one is a true profes­sional or just a Sunday painter or simply loves and collects fine art, we have found that there are clubs and associations and galleries that encourage and support fine art and artists all around us. It has been a wonderful discovery!

Places such as the Sullivan Art and Framing Gallery, the Bedford Library, The Crafters Guild and many other venues, including the Bedford Journal event calendar, are part of the picture. Feature articles in the Bedford Journal have often provided information about what’s going on in the area’s art world. We have used them all!

Last week, we attended the unique and beautiful 13th annual event of "Petals2Paint," presented by the East Colony Fine Arts organization at the LaBelle Winery in Amherst. Paintings, art glass and sculpture were handsomely displayed in the winery’s gallery room surrounded by glass walls and nature. Each art piece was accompanied by a floral arrange­ment done by the artist or a master florist to complement the subject matter, colors, feel or atmosphere of the painting, glass or sculpture. It was a totally engaging and delightful experience!

We were welcomed on arrival by artist Sally Gordon Shea, of Bedford, who created her own floral arrange­ment, and is a member of East Colony. Sally graciously answered our ques­tions and started us on our "journey" through the garden of artworks and floral designs.

This stunning event made us all the happier that Bedford is our home, and we look forward to more adventures in art here!

Priscilla Sands

Tom and Diana Hayes


Milford town officials don’t seem to care about wildlife

To the Editor:

My honest opinion is that there is no care or thought of the wildlife by our town officials. They will do what they please, like all politicians do.

Earlier this spring, Brox Environ­mental Citizens had put up turtle crossing signs along Heron Pond Road, same as last year. Unfortunate­ly, this year the town administrator would not allow them, even though Brox Environmental Citizens offered to cover all costs.

I had left a couple voicemails and also sent a couple emails, and the only reply I received for not allow­ing simple turtle crossing signs was that some people were against it, but who? I replied back to Mark Bender’s response asking how many signatures would it take to allow these signs to be put back up, but I never received a response back from him.

I have not found one person in the poll I have been taking of neighbors, shoppers/employees at supermarkets, and restaurant diners/staff who does not support the turtle crossing signs on the side of the road to help save turtles’ lives.

So I ask myself, What is the real reason? My opinion is that the people who are against the signs are a few who work in Town Hall who are very aggravated at the good work of Brox Environmental Citizens. I believe these people insisted that the coordi­nator personally take the signs down after being told that they could not stay up.

I’m not someone who usually in­volves herself in matters such as this, but after I saw firsthand what went on in the board room and how the coordi­nator of Brox Environmental Citizens is treated, I have no words!

For the sake of turtles, including other threatened or endangered spe­cies, please watch for turtles crossing the roads whether there’s a sign to remind you or not. When safe to do so, offer a helping hand to get them across the road in the direction they are heading.

In my heart I believe that the peo­ple of Milford care for wildlife, even if some of our officials do not.

Ruthann Ouellette
