
Letters to the Editor

> Welcoming the ‘new family in the neighborhood’

To the Editor:

While mowing the lawn near an embankment that leads to the woods, I was startled to see a little furry head pop up when I got near a couple of known sinkholes. At first I thought it was a neighbor’s cat, then realized it was either a baby fox or a bobcat.

I shut down the mower so as not to alarm it further, and began a staring contest. Neither one of us moved as we checked each other out.

After a few quiet minutes, a second little furry head popped up from the hole. I quietly exited to get my cam­era. Upon returning, I hid behind a tree to get closer to the hole. I waited patiently for the action to begin. Right on cue, both babies and the mother emerged from the hole. I then deter­mined we had a new family of gray foxes in the front yard.

As mother fox left her kids to go off to hunt mice and chipmunks, the two babies stayed close to the safety of their den and looked concerned if their mother would come back. Once the two babies were comfortable Mom would return, they laid down in the green grass just outside their hole to enjoy the warm sunshine of the afternoon.

Every day since then we see the family emerge and similar daily activ­ities take place. We are enjoying our "new family in the neighborhood."

Bill Swift


Thanks for support of Foster Memorial Scholarship Fund

To the Editor:

On behalf of the Bob Foster Memo­rial Scholarship Fund, we would like to thank all the sponsors, businesses and individuals who contributed to our fourth annual golf tournament that was held Saturday, June 4, at Amherst Country Club.

The generosity of all who contrib­uted to the raffles was greatly appre­ciated.

Thank you also to all the golfers who partici­pated at the tournament. The proceeds go toward scholarships to graduat­ing MHS seniors, as well as various sports pro­grams and student activi­ties at MMS.

Bob was a seventh-grade social studies teacher at Milford Middle School who died unex­pectedly in September 2012. Upon his death, we established the foun­dation in his memory to support middle and high school students of Milford.

Without the continued community support, the foundation would not be successful. Both Bob’s family and staff at Milford Middle School are very appreciative and grateful for all the support.

The fifth annual golf tournament will take place Saturday, June 3, 2017, at 8 a.m. at Amherst Country Club. Mark your calendars! We hope to see you all there again next year.

If anyone would like more information regard­ing playing in or donating to the golf tournament, please contact Kevin In­gram or Beth Crampton at Milford Middle School.

Kevin Ingram, Beth Crampton, Steve Erdody, Chris Erdody, Mark Evans


Amherst resident declares candidacy

To the Editor:

I am happy to announce that on June 1, I filed to run for the New Hamp­shire House of Represen­tatives. Without a doubt, I regard my prior House service as the greatest honor of my life.

I look forward to representing the people of Amherst with dedica­tion and common sense. I share our community values and hope to be, again, a reasonable voice in Concord. I will address our mutual concerns and advocate for our town and its needs.

As ever, I am commit­ted to building a vibrant economy, attracting jobs to our state, protecting our natural resources, respecting privacy and ensuring that all resi­dents have access to high-quality education. I will act to improve govern­ment efficiencies. I will fight downshifting costs that increase local prop­erty taxes. In Concord, I will work tirelessly to find solutions to the problems our state faces through sincere debate, innova­tion and collaboration.

My devotion to Amherst and my commitment to its well-being are unassail­able. My work, legislative, volunteer and community experience ensure that I will ably and effectively represent the people of Amherst.

As I embark on this campaign, I will make ev­ery effort to communicate with voters. I invite you to reach out to me at 672- 6540 with any questions or concerns.

Shannon Chandley
