
Letter to the Editor

Wilton Ambulance presents awards, hosts dinner

To the Editor:

The Town of Wilton Ambulance held their annual EMS Week Recog­nition Dinner on Sunday, May 25, at Touchstone Farm in Temple.

The Appreciation Dinner was to honor the dedicated service of largely volunteer/on-call providers of the Town of Wilton Ambulance Service.

Invited guests were members of the Ambulance Service and their significant others; the boards of selectmen from the towns of Wilton, Lyndeborough and Temple; and the Wilton Lyndeborough Temple Ambulance Association’s board of directors.

EMS Week is designated as the third week of May. This year, EMS Week was May 15-21. President Gerald Ford declared the first National Emergency Medical Services Week in 1974.

EMS Week is designed to recog­nize the dedication and work that emergency medical service provid­ers do and to educate the public on emergency medical services issues. The theme for 2016 was "EMS Strong: Called to Care."

At the dinner, Chief Gary Zirpolo commented on all the accomplishments of the Town of Wilton Ambu­lance. He stated they would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of all the members from the drivers/non-medical personnel to the EMTs to the paramedics. Chief Zirpolo also thanked the significant others and family members for giv­ing up their time with the loved ones to serve and protect the community; some do not even live in the community they serve. Chief Zirpolo also thanked the selectmen for their support of the ambulance service.

Assistant Chief Karen Artemik, along with Capt. Robert Cole, presented recognition awards for Provider of the Year (Jennifer Hagerty, EMT), Probationary Member of the Year (Billy Quigley, Driver/Non-Medical), the Appreciation Award to Capt. Robert Cole and Most Volunteer/On Call Hours to Capt. Robert Cole. Length of Service Awards were also pre­sented to paramedic Toni Bachand for 15 years of service and EMT-I Kath­leen Zirpolo for 10 years of service.

The officers and members of the Town of Wilton Ambulance would like to thank the residents and selectmen of all three towns that we serve for their support year-round, and especial­ly during EMS Week.

If you are interested in becoming part of the Town of Wilton Am­bulance team, please contact us at 654-2222 or via email at gzirpolo@ wiltonnh.org. No experi­ence is necessary and we will provide the training you need.

Town of Wilton Ambulance Service

Letter to the Editor

Thank you for another successful Fishing Derby

To the Editor:

On May 21, the Milford Police Department held the annual Fishing Derby at Railroad Pond in memory of Michael McBriarty. The goal was to make sure that the children and par­ents have a great day of fishing! On a sunny Saturday morning, 107 children registered and they and their parents had a great time, as was evident by all the smiling faces.

I would like to thank the people who made this event possible for the children by providing generous donations as well as their time and support. They include several police officers, Gerry Dusseault, the Mil­ford American Legion, the Milford VFW, Jason Walker of Walker’s Auto, Rocca Auto, Walgreens, Ciardelli Fuel Company, Medlyn Motor, Dunkin’ Donuts, New Hampshire Fish and Game, Mr. Richard Prunier, owner of Sumner Fish Farm, The Milford Cabinet, Hawkeye Magazine, the employees of the Milford Public Works Department, members of the Fishing Derby Committee and their family members who helped make this derby a success.

A special thank you goes to Wal- Mart for the donation of the fishing poles that were awarded for the top prizes.

I would also like to thank the abut­ting landowners who graciously gave permission for us to use their proper­ties for the children to have access to the pond, including Mr. Paul Silva, Mr. Grayson Parker, the First Congrega­tional Church of Milford, the TD Bank and the town of Milford.

A big thanks goes to Sgt. Andrew Fowle, Officer Daniel Campbell, Detective Eric Wales, Sgt. Matthew Fiffield, Julie Desmarais, Detective David Duquette and Attorney Kar­inne Brobst for their time and efforts in preparing for this event. Their help is very much appreciated.

A thank you also goes to Chief Mi­chael Viola, Officer William Morrow, Sgt. Joshua Joki, Sarah Whittemore, Valerie Works, Chris Works, Karl and Sheila Haven, who assisted in keep­ing the records of the fish caught and compiling the totals for the awarding of prizes.

Thanks also to Officer Dana John­son, Lisa Johnson and Audrey John­son, who helped sell raffle tickets. All proceeds from the raffle will go toward future fishing derbies for all to enjoy.

Also a warm and special thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Jim McBriarty and all the McBriarty family members who did so much to support this wonderful event in memory of their son, Michael McBriarty.

Finally, the Fishing Derby could not have been a success without the chil­dren and parents who participated. A big thanks to all of you!

A total of 272 fish were caught out of approximately 600 during the derby. The largest trout caught came in at 16¼ inches, the smallest trout caught was 5½ inches and the most fish caught by one child was a total of 29!

The McBriarty family and the Mil­ford Police Department extend our thanks to all who participated and look forward to seeing you all again next year!

Capt. Craig Frye

Milford Police Department