I was talking with a friend of mine (let’s call him “Andy”) the other day and he told me that my sales pitch for our sleep out needs a little work. Well, needless to say, I was a little bit dismayed, so I asked him what he meant, and he said “Mike, when you first asked me to participate ...
No one should fear for their life when they enter a house of worship to reflect and pray. But in New Hampshire and across the country, religious institutions are facing growing threats. Domestic terrorists have attacked houses of worship including an Oak Creek Sikh temple, a Charleston church, ...
On Aug. 9, Gov. Chris Sununu vetoed three gun-control bills passed by the Democratic-controlled New Hampshire Legislature.
This instantly led several Democratic leaders in both the House and Senate, as well as lobbying organizations that favor gun control, to distribute statements reflecting ...
Really thinking about what we read so often in the wake of mass killings is the only way we Americans can find a way to curb them.
Taking the easy way out by concluding, as presidential candidate Joe Biden apparently has, that outlawing so-called “assault rifles” will do the trick, is ...
Last month, New Hampshire adopted some of the country’s toughest drinking water standards for a class of chemicals collectively known as PFAS. This decision occurred just two weeks after New Hampshire legislature mandated the lowest arsenic water standards in the nation.
We are by no means ...
Technology and access to the internet have done incredible things for education – but they also bring a danger to our schools.
As with many shiny new trends (in all industries, not just education), it is only after we are past the point of no return that we realize some drawbacks. Providing ...