
New Hampshire simmers as a melting pot

Immigration is a powerful mechanism for the economic growth and development of American cities.

A“grown-up” -New Hampshire, mature and stately, (after all, it is one of the original 13 colonies), reveals more and more cities that are home to New Americans: people from far parts of the world, immigrants and refugees.

From the the early days, up to even now, New Hampshire has widely been known for its homogeneity (it’s almost 95% white).

But that uncomplicated interpretation that others have of the Granite State – some sort of Mayberrian utopia – shouldn’t be viewed as an insult or gag. New Hampshirites know a good thing when they live one.

Sure, there are plenty of melting pot metropolises around the country – New York City, Los Angeles, Miami. But add to that list non-gateway cities such as Fayetteville, Arkansas, Gainesville, Georgia and Sioux City, Iowa.

New Hampshire neighbors and its neighborhoods dont’ just manage to live in harmony, they choose to live that way and lucky enough, many don’t know any other way how to treat and deal with things, situations and people who are different from themselves.

For some who have journeyed here, New Hampshire’s winters might be a lot to contend with, but compared to war or poverty, New Americans can turn up the heat or put on a sweater.

Consider for example, that more than 125 foreign languages are spoken by students in New Hampshire schools.

Or that independence may be something with which Granite Staters pride themselves- there is a certain stubbornness associated with the “Live Free or Die,” motto, but undeclared voters now outnumber Democrats and Republicans.

Since 2011, New Hampshire became home to more than 3000 refugees, though that number has dropped since the Trump administration has tightened regulations, not to mention the number of times the Average American must endure the word, xenophobe.

Sure, some New Hampshire data is skewered. But it is affordable, there is economic opportunity, and to many whom have sought refuge in New Hampshire, a driver’s license can mean independence in many ways.

Interestingly enough, since New Hampshire isn’t a state with many cities that have much foot traffic, sans a few downtown areas here and there, most of what New Hampshirites know about their fellow man and woman they glean from shopping and walking the mall with them, sitting next to them in a doctor’s waiting room, enjoying a night out on the town (albeit a small town perhaps), or waiting in line at the DMV. Especially waiting in line at the DMV.

New Hampshire has lakes, mountains, oceans, skiing, swimming and hiking. The average commute is 28 minutes. New Hampshire also has a reputation for high alcohol sales, but that’s simply because of state run liquor stores. And besides, the winters can be cold; a hot toddy is what is ordered.