Locals enjoy a Bounty of Orchids

The New Hampshire Orchid Society presented its 29th annual show and sale March 25-27 at the Courtyard by Marriott in Nashua. Among the enthused at the event were organizers and attendees, from left, Anita Walker, NHOS president and a resident of Hollis, and Brenda Campbell, NHOS show chairman and a resident of Manchester, seen here welcoming Merrimack Garden Club member Isabelle Burke and club supporter M.J. Burns, right, both of Merrimack. The Nashua event attracted orchid aficionados and vendors from the Granite State and elsewhere including Ecuador and Taiwan. Members of the NHOS that weekend offered guided tours, seminars and products from vendors of orchids ranging from Vanda and Cattleya to Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis and others. Burke noted the men and women of the Merrimack Garden Club have attended the annual NHOS shows for more than 20 iterations. The MGC, whose co-presidents are Merrimack’s Diane Asai and Virgie Beacom, is locally renowned for its own show and sale, one scheduled this year for Saturday, Aug. 6. The New Hampshire Orchid Society, noted online as one of New England’s largest, hosts monthly meetings at Bedford Old Town Hall, 3 Meetinghouse Road, with the next gathering scheduled for 11 a.m., Saturday, April 9. Visit for information: nhorchids.org. Details about MGC’s upcoming meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 26, at St. James United Methodist Church in Merrimack also can be had online: merrimackgardenclub.org.