Sweet relief Ukrainians benefit from sales

Scores of Russian tanks grinding down Daniel Webster Highway shoot fireballs into the library, town hall and nearby schools. The nightmare imagined here is a bloody reality for citizens under attack in the sovereign nation of Ukraine, Europe’s second-largest country in area besides Russia. Seen here, left, is Bite Me Kupcakez gluten-free and nut-free bakery owner Rebecca Boutin, the daughter of bakery founder Deborah McCabe-Atamanchuk and husband Stephen Atamanchuk, a Ukrainian. Store managers Arianna Belliveau, of Merrimack, center, and Isabella Maziarz, of Nashua, help display some Ukraine Awareness Cupcakes, all generously frosted with blue and yellow, the national colors of Ukraine. The Bite Me Kupcakez shop and cafe is located in a bright pink building at 4 Mound Court alongside Continental Blvd. The crew there is baking the limited edition cupcakes for sale through March 31. Wares there range from waffles and other breakfast foods to homemade soups and lunch specials to cakes, cookies, brownies, fruit bars and more. Cousins in Ukraine are reporting regularly to their Merrimack kin. Boutin thanked her husband, parents, staff and all the patrons who have supported the awareness project. “More than $5,000 has been raised with 100 percent of the cupcake sales going directly to Ukraine,” Boutin said. “The money is benefiting refugees, rebuilding, and Convoy of Hope, a respected American non-profit disaster relief organization providing food, supplies and humanitarian comforts to those in need.” Bite Me Kupcakez website: bitemekupcakez.com. Facebook: bmkupcakez. Phone 603-674-4459 for more information.