2021 Townwide Paving Program
We have a robust paving plan developed for the 2021 construction that includes paving of roads, preservation work including cracksealing, and parking lot rehabilitations. The $975,000 program will be completed by Continental Paving, Inc. and is scheduled to begin in May, 2021. Work in this year’s program includes:
Paving Projects:
Collector Roads: Joppa Road between Baboosic Lake Road and Derry Street (including new draiange at the interestion of Derry & Joppa); McQuestion Road (between Turkey Hill Road to Ellie) and a reconstruction of Wire Road between Bedford Road and Baboosic Brook.
Subdivision Roads: Windover Lane, Level Street (section near Windover to cul-de-sac), Douglas St., Cedar St., Arbor St., Spruce St., Beech St., Stowell Road (Bridge to the Bedford Town Line).
Pavement Preservation (cracksealing, overlay, etc.): Rushmore Court, Everest Drive, Dena Ave., Kyle Ave., Rainier Court, Hawthorne, Dahl Road, Brek, Erik St., Whittier Road, Englewood Dr., Findlay Way, Danville Circle, Cranston Circle, Camp Sargent Road, Danforth Road, Hassel Road, Hutchinson Road, Cummings Road, Cowin Road, and Naticook Road.