
Nominations sought for Rotary Club award

MERRIMACK – The Rotary Club of Merrimack seeks people who live or work in Merrimack and have displayed outstanding performance in their jobs. If you know such a person, the Merrimack Rotary would like to hear from you, and be able to recognize your nominee at the annual Excellence in the Workplace meeting. This is not a competition, therefore all nominees who attend will be honored.

"One of the tenets of Rotary is to know that all occupations have value and should be recognized as such," said Chris Christensen the program chair. "Have you ever said ‘I go to (this business) because ‘Sharon’ is always professional and takes care of everything I need’ or ‘I really wasn’t sure how to solve this but ‘Harry’ understood the problem and had a perfect solution," Christensen continued. "In the past, we have recognized store clerks and managers, bookkeepers, landscapers, secretaries and nurses. It’s a long and varied list. Who do you know? Somebody who works for you, or a co-worker? Maybe it’s the guy who takes care of your car or fixes your refrigerator. If they do great job, they should be honored as part of Rotary’s ‘Excellence in the Workplace.’"

The Rotary Club of Merrimack will recognize nominees at a breakfast event on Thursday, April 20, 2017 at the John O’Leary Adult Community Center. The program and breakfast will be held 7:15-8:30 a.m. If a nominee cannot attend on that date, another date will be arranged.

To view a video or article on previous recipients of the "Excellence in the Workplace," go to www.merrimackrotary.org.

To nominate somebody, please email Chris Christensen at Chris@ChristensenNH.com or Joyce Jobin at joyce.jobin@td.com. You can also call or fax Chris at 424-2542. Please include your contact information and that of your nominee, if known.

"Sometimes, all we start with is a store and a name on a badge. That’s OK," said Christensen. Please tell us why your nominee deserves public recognition. Deadline for nominations is March 24, 2017. The cost of the event is $30 which includes two wonderful hot buffet breakfasts catered by the Stocked Fridge. Additional guests are $15 each.

Founded in 1971, the Rotary Club of Merrimack is a volunteer organization of business people and professionals supporting the community. Merrimack Rotary projects have included the Roger Duhamel Pavilion at Watson Park, scholarships, reconstruction of Kids’ Kove Playground, support for Merrimack flood relief, the Merrimack July Fourth festivities, the Rotary 4-Way Speech Contest, Interact Club, lighting at Reeds Ferry fields and more. The club works with other clubs on international projects like eradication of polio, Pure Water for the World, and hurricane relief in Honduras.

To RSVP for a breakfast meeting or for information about membership, contact Chris Christensen at 424-2542 or email Chris@ChristensenNH.com. You can also visit www.merrimackrotary.org.

Submitted by Rotary Club of Merrimack