
New Library Delivery Service Available for Homebound Hollis Residents

A new free service for homebound Hollis residents is being offered by the Friends of the Hollis Social Library and the Hollis Social Library.  A Homebound Delivery Program will allow library card-holders the ability to receive items from the library, delivered Monday through Friday on a monthly cycle.

Eligibility for the program requires the Hollis resident to have a card (that can be obtained by completing an online library card application); be homebound due to prolonged illness, extended convalescence, or advanced age with no household member who can visit the library for checkout; or have a temporary or permanent physical or mental disability that prevents them from coming into the library.

If you or someone you know has a temporary or permanent need for home delivery please contact the library at 603-465-7721.

Learn more by visiting https://www.hollislibrary.org/services/homebound-delivery-program/