
Talent show supports 2020VisionQuest

Courtesy photo Randy Pierce, founder of 2020VisionQuest, holds a giant check that was presented to him by Linda Casazza, on May 5 at Hollis Upper Elementary School. The check represents the amount of money raised by the school’s Talent and Craft Show in April for 2020VisionQuest.

The Hollis Upper Elementary School held a talent and craft show in April with fourth, fifth and sixth graders sharing their musical talents on the high school stage. All of the proceeds raised were to support 2020VisionQuest, a local Nashua organization founded by Randy Pierce.

Randy, who became blind as an adult, came to the school in March and gave presentations to the students and staff. He shared the story of his life and the mission of 2020VisionQuest to “lead and inspire students and professionals to reach beyond adversity, achieve their peak potential, and achieve a vision beyond your sight.”

Randy was invited back to HUES on May 5 and was presented with a check for the proceeds from the talent show for $2,889.11. Those proceeds will support two visually impaired organizations: Future in Sight and Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Learn more about 2020Vision Quest, as well as Randy’s personal story, at 2020VisionQuest.org.

– Submitted by Linda Casazza