Looking to make some changes to improve your health? Start with breakfast. Consider breakfast like the foundation of your house, it provides stability to your day. Choosing a balanced breakfast will ensure blood sugar stability and sustained energy levels throughout your busy work or school ...
For Jessie Salisbury, local writer and historian of Lyndeborough, nearly everything is interesting, unless of course it’s city council meetings. But even the uninteresting things are worth writing about. In Jessie’s view, writing is as much about documentation as it is about telling an ...
Grand Marshals Rollins “Rollie” Hardwick and Marc Maurais, former athletic directors at Milford High School among other gilded credentials, greeted nearly 5,000 reported attendees at the Milford Labor Day Parade, a 77-year-old tradition this year themed, “Celebration of ...
MILFORD – As published in The Cabinet:
NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION – Ron Violette was an important part of the parade: He was the Milford/Amherst Chamber of Commerce’s Citizen of the Year.
1987 MASH football cheerleaders
Members of this year’s football cheerleading squad are Beth Potter (kneeling), (left to right, bottom row) Debbie Nord, Linnea Anderson, Julie Bartlett, Michelle Kunkel and Carrie Wildes; (next row) Beth Sansing, Katie Turner and Kim Dodge; (top row) Melanie ...