Wilton’s budget is up 6.72 percent
WILTON – Following a minor change at the Budget Committee’s Public Hearing on Tuesday, the town’s operating budget for this year totals $6,460,532, a 6.72 percent increase over last year.
On Wednesday, Town Administrator Nick Germain said “about 12 people other than town officials” attended the hearing. The increase was $40 added to the Economic Development Committee’s signs.
Germain said the main drivers behind the increase are a 4 percent increase in base wages “across the board,” and the town deciding to cover 90 percent of employees’ health insurance, up from 80 percent.
The Highway Department raises include a search for a new Director of Public Works following the death of Mike Tatro. Employee Wayne Titus will hold the position until a new director is hired. Cost of materials such as asphalt and salt has also risen.
Cost of the 31 articles on the Town Meeting warrant is $887,290. Most of the contributions to various capital reserve funds will come from general taxation. Those funds include Fire Department and Highway Department vehicles, emergency communications, legal expenses, the Town Hall, revaluation of town property, and bridges.
Another $75,000 is asked for the Public Works Garage Building Capital Reserve Fund established in 2017. A committee has been working on the much-needed project.
Germain said perhaps the most controversial item is the establishment of a Wilton Falls Building Management revolving fund, with $25,000 from the unexpended fund balance. The fund would use revenues from the building to cover expenses.
The Select Board has voted to accept the gift of the building if terms are reached.
Also potentially controversial is the new water line up Gregg Street to provide the Wilton Public/Gregg Free Library with a way to add sprinklers to the building. Projected cost is $125,000. Another article asks for $26,000 to repair the library’s walkway entrance.
Selectmen are asking for $25,000 to start a new Stormwater Capital reserve Fund, money to come from the unexpended fund balance. Germain said this is “an on-going” project mandated by the state.
A petition has been received to designate Old County Farm Road as “scenic.”
Town Meeting voting will be on Tuesday, March 12. The official ballot includes five proposed zoning changes. The business portion of the meeting has been set for Saturday, March.16, 6:30 p.m., at the Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative School.