David Descheneaux is new Wilton building inspector

WILTON – A building inspector does just that – watches the construction of a building from the foundation up, the wiring and the plumbing, to be sure they are all done properly, according to building codes. He, or she, also inspects the well and the septic system and issues permits for repair work as well as new construction.
David Descheneaux took over that position on Oct. 3, replacing Dawson Gay.
“I do everything but the mechanicals and the driveways,” he said recently. “The Fire Chief is doing those. He wants to be sure he can get his trucks up a driveway.”
When he has worked into the job, he will also be the town’s Code Enforcement Officer. “I have to learn all the codes,” he said, town, state, and federal, although most towns use the universal building code.
He is currently being assisted by Lyndeborough Building Inspector Leo Trudeau
The Board of Selectmen have suggested that he also become the town’s Health Officer, but that remains to be seen.
“This is a total life change for me,” he said. “I was previously self-employed.”
He is a graduate of N.H. Technical Institute, “but then learned on the job. That is the way to learn something, actually do the work on the job.”
He spent 36 years in the construction field, mostly in Boston area, but some in Lowell.
He is learning his way around Wilton, he said, “into the remote corners using maps and GPS. “I’m finding my way around this beautiful town.”
His job was made easier, he said, by former Building Inspector Norma Ditri, who “put everything into the computer. All I have to do is hit the buttons.”
Descheneaux grew up in Pelham and now lives in Londonderry.
He didn’t have much time before, he said, “but now I think I’d like to get back to skiing.”
He added, “I’m enjoying the job, the people, the scenery. It’s a lot friendlier than Boston.”
His desk is in the Land Use Office at the town hall. Stop in and say hello.