Walking path, part of Riverwalk Project, work is underway

Selectman Matt Fish, project contractor, and Jennifer Beck, chairman of the Economic Development Committee, pose by the sign on the new Stoney Brook Trail portion of the Riverwalk. The walking oath is part of Phase 2 of the Riverwalk Project begun in 2017.
WILTON – The northern bank of Stoney Brook, between Monument Park and the Wilton House of Pizza, is being transformed into a walking path, a section of Phase 2 of the Riverwalk Project approved by voters in 2017.
The 450 foot path is a joint venture between the Economic Development Committee and the Conservation Commission. It was made possible by an AARP Community Challenge Grant of $19,711, and the donation of an easement along the brook by TDS Telecom when they constructed their new building.
The work is being done by Curtis Farm Landscape Construction, owned by Selectman Matt Fish.
“The trail follows an old walking path,” EDC Chairman Jennifer Beck said. “It was long abandoned and overgrown with bittersweet and poison ivy making the river bank inaccessible.”
Benches are being sited along the walk, fashioned from granite blocks from the foundation of a shed once attached to the rear of the historic Stimson Building.
The path will be opened to the public on June 12.
Future projects in the area include the construction of a pedestrian bridge between the House of Pizza parking lot and the Police Station parking lot, as well as development of the area between Monument Park and the riverbank.
Stoney Brook, which joins the Souhegan River at the end of Main Street, is a protected river under NHDES’s Shoreline Protection Program.